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Green minestrone with pollock and basil

Green minestrone with pollock and basil

  • Saithe
  • Alaska Pollock
Time:30 min.
Time:30 min.


800 g diced Alaska pollock, thawed

500 g puntalette pasta or macaroni

500 g green asparagus

500 g baby spinach

3 litres chicken stock

1 bunch of basil

100 ml lemon oil

salt and white pepper

Cooking instructions

Cook the pasta, following the instructions on the packet. Cut the asparagus into smaller pieces.

Bring the stock to the boil and add the basil. Strain the soup and season to taste with salt and pepper. Keep the soup hot – it mustn’t boil, otherwise it will lose colour.

Poach the diced pollock in boiling, salted water for 1-2 minutes.

Distribute the spinach, asparagus, pasta, diced pollock and the hot soup between 10 preheated bowls.

Drizzle with lemon oil and serve immediately, possibly with warm bread. 

Next recipe: Pollock loins with parsley cream, coarse root vegetables and potatoes